IPv6 Strategy and Planning Virtual Workshop for Decision and Policymakers

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Are you an executive, manager or policymaker who wants to:

  1. Put your company, your country and this continent on the Internet development map?
  2. Help pull the country out of the digital Siberia of IPv4 and help the country set up a foundation for Internet development based on IPv6?

Then this unique virtual course is for you. Together with our partners, we’ve trained about 10,000 engineers from almost every country on this continent. But in 2016, when we asked them why they had not initiated or deployed IPv6, the number two reason was “management”.

They (engineers) say, our managers:

Lack the vision to drive
IPv6 deployment

Do not understand the kind of support that we need to deploy IPv6

  • If you don’t think that describes you,
  • if you have always wanted to drive IPv6 deployment in your organisation but don’t know how to start since you are not an engineer,
  • if you want to stop engineers using you as an excuse for running an archaic IPv4 network,
  • if you want to put your organisation in the special category of pioneers who are deploying the modern Internet,

Then our IPv6 Strategy & Planning workshop is for you.


Date & TimeNote
  1. Day 1 - 9th September 2020*
  2. Day 2 - 10th September 2020
  • Time: 09:00 - 12:00 UTC
  • Language: English
  • Cost: Free for those who are selected and invited

Note that we only have 35 spots for this inaugural session.


Selected participants will be contacted directly with instructions about the next steps for this unique learning experience.


Registration closes on 3rd September 2020 19:00 UTC!