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RPKI Nuts & Bolts Webinar on 25 Nov 2021

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RPKI Nuts & Bolts Webinar

RPKI Nuts & Bolts Webinar



rpki bolt wenibarOur second webinar on securing Internet routing for 2021 is on the topic of Resource Public Key Infrastructure(RPKI).

RPKI facilitates the validation of routing information by other network operators on a global scale and forms one of the fundamental building blocks of routing security on the Internet.

As a network operator, creating RPKI a Route Origin Authorisation (ROA) object(s) that cover all the prefixes you advertise to your BGP peers is the best common operational practice. It is also one of the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS') actions that a network operator can implement to demonstrate a commitment to running a safe and resilient Internet.

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the different vulnerabilities within the BGP protocol
  2. Choose a suitable RPKI implementation model for your network
  3. Create digital certificates that prevent your routed prefixes from being hijacked on the Internet


Please use the following link to register, and don't forget to add the event to your calendar: 

  • Date: 25th November 2021
  • Time: 12:30 UTC
  • This webinar will be in English.


See you at the webinar!