Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

21 February 2017- Following a call for expressions of interest, the AFRINIC Board hs appointed the following members of the Nomination Committee (NomCom) for 2017, in terms of section 9 of the AFRINIC Bylaws:

  • John Walubengo (Eastern Africa, community volunteer),
  • Mustapha Ben Jemaa (Northern Africa, community volunteer),
  • Wale Adedokun (Western Africa, community volunteer)
  • Lucky Masilela (Southern Africa, Board represntative).

22 February 2017 - We are pleased to announce the election of Mrs Wafa Dahmani as Chair and Mr Abdalla Omari as Vice Chair of the AFRINIC Governance Committee during a meeting held on Thursday16 February 2017.


We wish to congratulate Mrs Wafa Dahmani and Mr Abdalla Omari on their new appointment

March 7 2017 - We are pleased to announce that the 2017 Nomination Committee (NomCom) Chair is Mr Wale Adedokun.

We wish Mr Wale Adedokun all the best in his new role.

Click here for more information about the 2017 NomCom

March 14 2017 - We invite all individuals wishing to present during AIS’17, which will be held from 21 May to 2 June 2017 to submit their presentation abstract. 


To enrich the discussions and share knowledge with the technical community at AIS’17, we are seeking presentations of a wide range of issues, broadly related to access and development of the Internet in Africa. We are specifically interested in presentations focusing on: 

  • Internet Governance
  • E-governance
  • Core Internet Infrastructure
  • Access, Utility and Development
  • The Internet and Economic Development
  • Business Practices and Technology
  • Higher Education in the Age of Technology
  • Cyber Security
  • Technology and Business
  • Cloud Computing
  • Open Data/Big Data
  • Technology and Content Production
  • Relations between Mobile Operators and the Internet Community
  • Mobile Applications
  • IPv6
  • Peering and Interconnection
  • DNS 
  • RPKI
  • IXPs


Your contribution can be in the form of a presentation during a session, a tutorial, or a live technical demonstration. 

Kindly read all information carefully before submitting your proposal. 


Speakers’ Guidelines

  • Presentations should be 15 -30 minutes in length, with approximately 10-15 minutes for Q&A at the end of each presentation.
  • The maximum time allotted per presentation will not exceed 45 minutes. 
  • The presenter(s) will be required to upload their final presentation in PDF format, no later than five (5) days prior to the presentation date.
  • Presenters are responsible for producing any handouts if required. There are usually approximately 200 delegates in each session.


Presentations with marketing and/or commercial content will not be considered.


How to submit a Presentation Proposal

  1. Please register/login on the AIS’17 website at:
  2. Fill in the online form with the requested information.
  3. In the Speakers section, provide your abstract, your biography and slides if available and you are done!


Important dates to note

Deadline for submitting an application –  14 April 2017 

Notification of acceptance of application – 21 April 2017 

Submission of draft presentation  –   28 April 2017

Submission of  final presentation -  23 May 2017

March 14 2017 - NomCom2017 is pleased to announce that the AFRINIC Board Nomination process is open for the following seats:

Seat 3 (Indian Ocean), currently held by Kris Seeburn;

Seat 4 (Central Africa), currently held by Christian D. Bope;

Seat 8 (Non-geographical), currently held by Andrew Alston


We are pleased to invite nominations for candidates to fill the above seats to serve three-year terms from July 2017 to June 2020. Any suitable natural person residing in one of the above regions can be nominated (for that sub-region) provided they comply with the requirements in Section 13 of the by-laws.


A nominee shall:
  • Be nominated by one (1) AFRINIC member in good standing or be formally endorsed by at least two (2) AFRINIC members in good standing in case of self-nomination. A member can nominate no more than one candidate, and can second any number of candidates..
  • Have participated in at least two (2) AFRINIC events (physically or online) in the past three (3) years;
  • Have at least five (5) years professional experience in an area relevant to AFRINIC activities, such as Internet Resource Management, ICT, policy development, finance, audit and HR management;
  • Not be a member of a decision-making body (such as a Board) of an organization which may create any conflict of interest;
  • Be available and committed to participate in Board meetings and other AFRINIC activities (face-to-face and online).

Kindly note the following as stipulated in Section 11 of the AFRINIC bylaws:

No person shall be appointed or hold office as a Director if he is a person who:
  1. is under 18 years of age;
  2. is an undischarged bankrupt;
  3. would, but for the repeal of Section 117 of the Companies Act 1984 of Mauritius, be prohibited from being a Director or promoter of, or being concerned or taking part in the management of, a company within the meaning of that Act;
  4. is prohibited from being a director or promoter of or being concerned or taking part in the management of a company under Sections 337 or 338 of the Act;
  5. is not a natural person; or
  6. has been adjudged to have been of unsound mind

To nominate yourself or a person of your choice, please complete the nomination form availablehere.

The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 22nd April 2017 at 20:00 UTC.

Note: It is expected that candidates should be able to attend AFRINIC-26 in person on the Day of Election (01 June 2017) where they will be afforded an opportunity to introduce themselves and make a short presentation to the community during the Annual General Members Meeting. The meeting will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 31st May-02 June 2017.

For more information on the election process, click here 


NomCom 2017

March 15 2017 - The AFRINIC NomCom 2017 is pleased to invite nominations for candidates to run for an open seat on the NRO-NC for AFRINIC region. The seat is currently held by Douglas Onyango.

The term for the elected candidate will be from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020 (3 years). You can find out more about the AFRINIC NRO-NC Election Process here.


The NRO-NC serves as the ICANN ASO-AC according to the ICANN ASO MoU.


Current representatives from the AFRINIC region on the ICANN ASO AC are:

  • Douglas Onyango (Jan 2015 - Dec 2017)-Open Seat
  • Fiona Asonga (Jan 2017 - Dec 2017) - Appointed by the AFRINIC Board
  • Omo Oaiya (Jan 2017 - Dec 2019) .


Responsibilities of the ICANN ASO-AC

  • Undertaking a role in the global policy development process
  • Providing recommendations to the Board of ICANN concerning the recognition of new RIRs, according to agreed requirements and policies as currently described in
  • Defining procedures for selection of individuals to serve on other ICANN bodies, in particular on the ICANN Board, and implementing any roles assigned to the Address Council in such procedures.
  • Providing advice to the Board of ICANN on number resource allocation policy, in conjunction with the RIRs.
  • Developing procedures for conducting business in support of their responsibilities, in particular for the appointment of an Address Council Chair and definition of the Chairs responsibilities.

For more information about the NRO-NC and the ASO-AC, please go to:



Open to individuals residing within the AFRINIC region of service. All nominations (including self-nominations) must be supported by a minimum of two AFRINIC community members; the two individuals must not work for the same organization.

A person may only nominate one candidate - and, in case of multiple nominations by the same person, only the last nomination will be considered valid. AFRINIC or other RIR staff can neither nominate candidates nor be nominated for an ASO AC seat.


Nominating Procedure

Please submit your nomination using the on-line nomination form here

Deadline for Nominations

The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 22nd April 2017 at 20:00 UTC.

Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-26 meeting in Nairobi Kenya from 31st May-02 June 2017,

An eligible voter shall be:

Any one from the AFRINIC community present at the face-to-face meeting who meets the following criteria:

  • Has registered to attend the AFRINIC-26 meeting (must present the meeting badge as proof),
  • Resides in a country within the AFRINIC service region and
  • Is not AFRINIC staff.

Ballots for the vote will be distributed at meeting registration desk by AFRINIC staff.

Voting by Proxy: Proxy voting is not allowed for the NRO-NC representative election.


NomCom 2017

March 15 2017 - Call for Nominations - AFRINIC Governance Committee (GC) Members

The AFRINIC Governance Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to advise the AFRINIC Board, AFRINIC Membership, and the community, on matters of governance.

NomCom is hereby calling for nominations from the community for one Governance Committee position up for election, to serve a three-year term from January 2018 to December 2020. The seat is currently held by Abdalla Omari.

NomCom would like to receive Nominations from all of the AFRINIC sub-regions and are explicitly looking for both Gender and Language diversity although a working understanding of the English language would be highly beneficial.

The GC Charter is available here 


Nomination Requirements:

  • GC members shall be resident in the AFRINIC service region.
  • None of the elected members may be an AFRINIC Director, or an AFRINIC employee.
  • A valid nomination must originate from or be submitted by an authorized and registered contact person of the nominating member organization. The nomination must also be seconded/endorsed by at least one additional AFRINIC member, different from the nominating member organization. Nominators and seconders/endorsers must all be AFRINIC members in good standing.
  • Self-nominations are permitted and must be endorsed by 2 distinct AFRINIC members in good standing.

To nominate yourself or a candidate of your choice, please complete the nomination form here


Deadline for Nominations

The Closure of the Candidate Nomination period is 22nd April 2017 at 20:00 UTC.

Please note that the election will take place during the AFRINIC-26 meeting in Nairobi Kenya from 31st May-02 June 2017,


NomCom 2017