Info! Please note that this translation has been provided at best effort, for your convenience. The English page remains the official version.

The Call for Presentations for the Africa Internet Summit, AIS’18 is now open. We invite all individuals wishing to present during the meeting, which will be held in Dakar Senegal from 29 April to 11 May to submit their presentation abstract.

To enrich the discussions and share knowledge with the technical community at AIS’18, we are seeking presentations of a wide range of issues, broadly related to access and development of the Internet in Africa. We are specifically interested in presentations focusing on:

  • Internet Governance
  • E-governance
  • Internet of Things
  • Internet Measurements
  • Core Internet Infrastructure
  • Access, Utility and Development
  • The Internet and Economic Development
  • Business Practices and Technology
  • Higher Education in the Age of Technology
  • Cyber Security
  • Technology and Business
  • Cloud Computing
  • Open Data/Big Data
  • Technology and Content Production
  • Relations between Mobile Operators and the Internet Community
  • Mobile Applications
  • IPv6
  • Peering and Interconnection
  • DNS
  • RPKI
  • IXPs

Your contribution can be in the form of a presentation during a session, a tutorial, or a live technical demonstration.

Kindly read all information carefully before submitting your proposal.

Speakers’ Guidelines

  • Presentations should be 15 -30 minutes in length, with approximately 10-15 minutes for Q&A at the end of each presentation.
  • The maximum time allotted per presentation will not exceed 45 minutes.
  • The presenter(s) will be required to upload their final presentation in PDF format, no later than five (5) days prior to the presentation date.
  • Presenters are responsible for producing any handouts if required. There are usually approximately 200 delegates in each session.

Presentations with marketing and/or commercial content will not be considered.

How to submit a Presentation Proposal

  1. Please register/login on the AIS’18 website at:
  2. Fill in the online form with the requested information.
  3. In the Speakers section, provide your abstract, your biography and slides if available and you are done!

Important dates to note:

  • Deadline for submitting an application – 9 March 2018
  • Deadline for submission of draft presentations – 6 April 2018
  • Submission of final presentation – 22 April 2018

AIS’18 Team



Please note that Tuesday 13 February and Friday 16 February 2018 are public holidays in Mauritius.

In this regard, AFRINIC Offices shall be closed.

Any urgent issues can be addressed to:

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for queries or clarifications regarding how to become an AFRINIC member.
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional resources, any general queries related to resources management.


As a result of the successful IANA Stewardship transition [1] in 2016, the IANA Numbering Services are today being managed through an SLA between ICANN and the five RIRs.

IANA Numbering Services Review Committee

The Internet Number Community, produced a proposal [2] on the IANA Stewardship transition, outlining the concept of such an SLA [3]. The proposal also called for the establishment of an IANA Numbering Services Review Committee (IANA RC) [4] to advice and assist the RIRs in the review of the IANA Numbering Services. The IANA RC was established in 2016 and is composed of representatives from each RIR region. 

IANA Numbering Services Performance

 The IANA RC report

The IANA RC will publish an annual report as advice to the NRO EC with its evaluation of the IANA Numbering services. The report will be based on the IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report, as well as any input gathered on the performance from the global number community.

 30-day public comment period

As part of the open, transparent, and bottom-up spirit of the number community, the IANA RC is launching a public comment period of 30 days, seeking any comments or input from the community on the IANA numbering services performance. The IANA RC encourages all members of the Internet number community to review the public IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report. Comments on the IANA service performance should be sent to:<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. The public comment period ends on Sunday 11 March at 23:59 UTC.

Next steps

All public comments will be published on the IANA RC website, and will be considered as input to the final report by the IANA. At the end of the 30-day public comment period, the IANA RC will meet and evaluate all input to the final report. The IANA RC report will be published on the IANA RC website:



  1. IANA Stewardship Transition Archive -
  2. Number Community Proposal -
  3. The SLA for the IANA Numbering Services -
  4. IANA Numbering Services Review Committee -
  5. Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) -


Further reading:



The AFRINIC Board has appointed the following people to the Nomination Committee (NomCom) for the 2018 year:

  • Kaleem Ahmed Usmani (Mauritius)
  • Komi Elitcha (Togo)
  • Wale Adedokun (Nigeria)
  • Haitham El-Nakhal (Board representative, Egypt)


Alan Barrett


The most recent ASO Review concluded with 18 recommendations, which the NRO has resolved to accept. The first 17 recommendations are well defined and practical, and can be implemented by actions of the NRO Secretariat, or of the ASO Address Council, with respect to administrative procedures, documentation, or in some cases adjustments to agreements which are expected to be non-controversial.

The 18th recommendation of the Report is that “The NRO should initiate a public consultation, involving the five RIR communities, to determine the future structure of the ASO”. The NRO EC has concluded to accept that recommendation and is hereby launching a consultation on the issues identified in the ASO Review Report.

While each of the RIRs will launch consultation processes within their communities, the NRO has agreed on this joint announcement, and coordinated call for contributions, in order to maintain consistency in scope of regional consultations, both with each other and with the Review Report.


The Review Report concludes that “The core mission and administrative tasks for which the ASO was set up remain largely unchanged, and there is no pressing need for organi[z]ational reform”, but at the same time it recommends a “call for a community-wide reconsideration of the role and function of the ASO within ICANN”.

More specifically, the following questions related to the ASO MoU have a TTP (percentage of respondents in Top Two Boxes) that requires us to pay attention to the minority views:

  • Does the ASO MoU adequately describe the role and function of the ASO within ICANN? 52% answered Yes.
  • Does the rationale for the ASO as spelled out in the ASO MoU need to be updated post IANA transition in light of the creation of the ICANN Empowered Community? 50% answered Yes.

Additionally, the report allocates significant attention to the efficiency of the Internet Numbers Community involvement in ICANN activity after the findings in the question “Does the ASO have a continuing purpose in the ICANN Structure?” with 17% respondents not answering “YES”. Suggesting that some of the activities related to the ICANN engagement might be of marginal interest to the Internet Numbers Community and that could be reviewed:

“We did hear of concerns within the Internet Number community regarding the increasing amount of volunteer time that ICANN engagement seems to require, much of which is of marginal direct interest to the Internet Numbers Community. The NRO will need to regularly evaluate these concerns, and act pre-emptively, if necessary, to ensure that the benefits of the ICANN system are not perceived to be outweighed by the “costs” of engagement“.

Issues to Address:

The scope of this consultation includes the structural implications of issues identified by the ASO Review, including but not limited to:

  • Any updates and adjustments identified as required for ASO-related documents
  • Any procedural clarifications and adjustments identified
  • Reported confusion of roles between ASO and NRO, and their components
  • Perceived complexity of relationships among NRO, ASO and ICANN
  • Relevance and cost to the RIRs of various ICANN engagement activities

Out of the Scope of this consultation are the following aspects:

  • Global Policy Development Process (GPDP)
  • ASO AC role with GPDP

Specific Questions:

The NRO EC is looking to specific answer to the following questions:

  • What adjustments, if any, should be made in order to address the issues described above?
  • Should adjustments be limited to NRO MoU, ASO MoU, and/or ICANN Bylaws
  • Over what timeframes should these adjustments be developed and implemented
  • What strategic aspects should we pay attention to when considering these adjustments?


5 Decmber 2017 - The Address Supporting Organization Address Council's (ASO AC) call for nominations for Seat 9 on the ICANN Board will close at 23:59 UTC on Sunday, 17 December 2017.

Nomination Process
Community members are invited to submit nominations by email toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view Sunday,17 December 2017 at 23:59 UTC.Nominations must include the following information:- The full name of the person being nominated
- Contact email address for the person being nominated
- Contact telephone number (if available) of the person being nominated
- The full name of the person making the nomination
- Contact email address for the person making the nomination
- Contact telephone number of the person making the nomination

Election Procedures
Procedures for election of individuals to the ICANN Board of Directors by the ASO AC can be found at:

Regional Restrictions
The ICANN Bylaws state "no two Directors selected by a Supporting Organization shall be citizens from the same country or of countries located in the same Geographic Region.” (see section 7.2:c). The current ASO AC selection for Seat 10, Akinori Maemura, resides in the APNIC region. Therefore, no nominations for Seat 9 will be accepted from candidates residing in the APNIC region.

Eligibility Requirements
All nominated candidates must meet the selection criteria and conflict of interest requirements as outlined in Article 7 of the ICANN Bylaws. The selected candidate will undergo an independent due diligence review by an ICANN contractor, and announcement of the candidate will follow once this review has been successfully completed.

Important Dates
- Nomination Phase: 2 October 2017 – 17 December 2017
- Comment Phase: 18 December 2017 – 18 March 2018
- Interview Phase: 17 January 2018 – 18 March 2018
- Selection Phase: 19 March 2018 – 18 April 2018
- Due Diligence Review: 19 April 2018 – 17 May 2018
- Announcement: Around 19 May 2018All phases will conclude at 23:59 UTC on the date specified.

Further Information
-------------------For further information and updated announcements on the election process, please see the 2017 ICANN Board Election page at: you have any questions about the elections or the election process, please contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


On 2 October 2017 a revised RSA was published for public comments. The comment period ended on 30 October 2017.

We have prepared a table summarising the comments and staff responses to the comments, as well as a revised version of the RSA.

We have also identified a risk that, if a requested transfer is denied for some reason, AFRINIC may be sued by either the source or recipient or both. We have prepared a Transfer Agreement which source and recipient will sign to protect AFRINIC from that risk.

Comments on these documents are welcome for one week, until 10 November 2017 here 

Here are the relevant documents:

Alan Barrett