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Board Decision on LIR Membership Fees and Penalties

Published On -

On 1st June 2017, the Board took the following decision with regards to LIR Membership fees and penalties.

  1. Invoice all members in the first week of November of the preceding Year
  2. The invoice will be dated 1st January of the New Year, but will be due for payment by 31st January of the new year. That is 30 days to process and pay the invoice.
  3. The company will give another 28 days moratorium, past the due date, where no penalty will be applied, i.e 28th Feb, giving 60 days to process the invoice and pay it without incurring any penalty.
  4. If the invoice is paid on or before 31st March, a penalty of 5% is noted.
  5. If the invoice is then paid on or before 30th April, a penalty of 10% is noted
  6. If the invoice is then paid on or before 31st May, a penalty of 15% if noted
  7. Up to this point, no penalty invoice will be invoiced to the members, so they remain in good standing if they have paid the invoice for the year, even if they have not paid the penalty, so they can vote at the AGMM without any restraint.
  8. All penalty invoices are invoiced by 30th June, giving members up to 5 months to pay the penalties.
  9. Unpaid penalties by the next billing cycle in November, will be added to the invoice of the next year. However, note that this will count towards any resource requests that expects members to be in good standing.

The billing timeline can be read at