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Authored by:Sofia Silva Berenguer, RPKI Program Manager, NRO

A few months ago we shared the outcomes that are guiding the work that we are doing as part of the NRO RPKI Program. We mentioned that we would like to know more about the community’s expectations with regard to consistency in RPKI implementation across the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) with the end goal of defining what a single, global RPKI system would look like.

RFC 9518: Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards has been published after more than two years of review, discussion, and revision. It covers what centralization is, how it can be both beneficial and harmful, the decentralization strategies we typically use to control it, and finally, what Internet standards bodies can do about it. It’s no secret that most people have been increasingly concerned about Internet centralization over the last decade.

We have now broken down that purpose into more specific outcomes to guide our efforts.

Firstly, we want to gain a better understanding of what a single, global RPKI system would look like. We would like to know more about the expectations from the community in terms of consistency across the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) in their RPKI implementations.

With new and emerging technologies, cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated and are increasing. Information about cyber threats, also known as threat intelligence, is a significant defence component, as it contains context, indicators of compromise (IoCs), implications and advised actions regarding identified and emerging possible threats. However, the application of threat intelligence requires that good-quality data be shared by organisations and states.

Observations on African Cybersecurity Landscape Authored by: Emilia Cebrat-Maslowski Introduction Africa’s rapid growth in Internet communications is creating a wide range of opportunities but also a wide range of vulnerabilities. This rapid shift to online activities has created a goldmine for cyber criminals.

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